Monday 21 April 2014

Fujifilm Instax Mini 8

Hello everyone! It's Zoe.

In yesterday's post I said I would make a post about my beloved polaroid camera so that is exactly what I'm doing today! 

The camera I have is the Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 in baby blue. I bought it on Ebay with 100 shots and a free mini hanging album for over all £91.70. Might sound a bit steep to you but to be quite honest that isn't a bad deal considering what you get! 

As far as the mini album goes, it's not bad! I'm only worried that my polaroids will get stuck to the plastic and I won't be able to get them out again! I also wish there were more pockets to it but that's not the whole point of a mini album! I can't wait to take this to uni to hang in my room! 

Loading the film  


When the camera is empty, a little 'S' sign will appear at the back of the camera which is signal that you need to load another set of film in. 

Loading the film is really simple which I really love about this little camera. When you unbox the film, it basically says what you need to do on the silver packet.

Taking photographs

When the film is loaded up, you have to turn it on and just click the shutter button for the piece covering the light sensitive paper to come through.This confused me when I first used it but then I realised what it was and went on taking another photo!

One thing about this camera that is really handy is that it will tell you what lighting you have when pointing the camera at the subject. This is all done through the sensor at the front of the camera. It does this so that you don't end up with either really bright or really dark images and waste a piece of paper. However, saying that, it can be quite temperamental sometimes as it can switch quickly wherever you point it. 

Apart from this, it is just such a fantastic camera and I really like the colouring you get out of a polaroid. At the moment i'm OBSESSED with vintage colours and anything that makes a photo or video look old so having this is a good thing because I can instantly have those cool, worn colours there and then. And it feels so much more personal and each photograph you take means a lot because you only have one of that photo. If you're looking to get a polaroid camera but don't want to buy the actual brand Polaroid because lets face it, it is REALLY expensive, this is perfect! Granted the photos are smaller but it's still worth getting if you don't want to fork out loads of money for Polaroid!

Hope you're having a lovely day whatever you're doing! 
Until the next time, 



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